mercoledì 16 luglio 2014

Oracle Tip: Error in BI Publisher Desktop Installation and issue with Microsoft Office 2013

I tried to install Oracle BI Publisher Desktop on my Windows 64 laptop for Microsoft Office 2013 32bits and I got the following error:

"Please make sure JRE version 1.6 or later is installed"

I had Java 1.6 45 32 bit installed and working fine. After struggling in understanding what was wrong, I did the following:

  • Uninstall all Java JRE and JDK from your laptop
  • Install Java JDK 32 bit
  • Install Java JDK 64 bit
  • Reboot the laptop 
  • Install BI Publisher Desktop
The installation went through with no issues, but when I opened Microsoft Word I could not see the BI Publisher tab. The Add-in was not even in the list of available Add-ins for Word.
Google helped me once more and I found a note saying that you have to look for Program Files (x86)\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\DotNetInstallFiles folder and execute setup.exe (close any Office application before starting the installation). I just followed the instructions and at the end the BI Publisher tab was finally there.

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